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Responsible Tourism

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Responsible Tourism Definition

Responsible tourism can be defined as “tourism that improves the well-being of the local community." It aims to encourage visitors to meaningfully connect with local people, to learn about their culture and livelihoods, and to allow for a genuine exchange.

What it Means to Us

There is a high level of tourism in the city of Oaxaca which often stays within a central hub. En Vía’s founders imagined what kind of difference it could make to bring a responsible form of tourism to Oaxaca, which would not only directly benefit the communities outside of Oaxaca, but would also allow tourists to experience another, more authentic side of Oaxaca. We are glad to see that this bold assumption turned out to be proven correct – the high demand for our responsible tourism program is proof that there is strong interest in this type of travel experience.  


A major way in which we practice responsible tourism is through using your tour fees to fund our loan and education programs. Thanks to this sustainable financial cycle we can offer loans that are completely interest-free.

What it Means to our Entrepreneurs

We also aim to make our tours a positive experience for our entrepreneurs. The tour visits are an opportunity for the entrepreneurs to step away from their daily routines, to reflect on the work they have already done, and to share their ideas and goals for the future. The women we work with take a lot of pride in their businesses. Presenting about their work to a respectful audience can be an affirming experience.

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